22 Jul Reopening FAQs
Cultural Center COVID-19 Reopening FAQs
Any interaction with the general public poses an inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19. People who show no symptoms can spread COVID-19 if they are infected. COVID-19 is an extremely contagious disease that can lead to severe illness and death. The CDC advises that older adults and people of any age who have underlying medical conditions are especially vulnerable to severe illness from COVID-19. By visiting the Southwest Virginia Cultural Center & Marketplace you voluntarily assume all risks related to exposure to COVID-19.
Why do I have to wear a mask?
We are closely following CDC and Commonwealth of Virginia guidelines. The CDC and the Commonwealth of Virginia are currently recommending wearing face coverings or masks to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. (See CDC for more information)
Are employees wearing a mask?
Yes, all employees and vendors are required to wear masks. Each employee is provided a mask and will wear throughout their shift. Staff have also been thoroughly trained on hygiene practices.
What if I have medical reasons to not wear a mask?
COVID-19 is worldwide pandemic. A significant portion of individuals with COVID-19 lack symptoms and that even those who eventually develop symptoms can transmit the virus to others before showing symptoms. The CDC has determined that wearing a cloth face covering or mask can slow the spread of COVID-19. If a medical condition prohibits you from wearing a mask or face covering, we understand and hope you will visit us following this pandemic event.
Does wearing a mask really help?
The state of medical knowledge is evolving, however, the CDC has currently determined that the virus spreads from person-to-person contact. People can be infected and show no symptoms and therefore spread the disease. Wearing a mask or face covering reduces the likelihood of spreading the virus through airborne respiratory droplets, when talking, sneezing and coughing. Therefore, the CDC recommends widespread use of cloth masks when 6 ft. of social distancing cannot be maintained.
In these unprecedented times, wearing a mask or face covering shows mutual respect and care for fellow guests and our team members who serve you while visiting.
When do I have to wear a mask?
Guests will be expected to wear a mask or face covering while inside the SWVA Cultural Center & Marketplace. Specific exceptions will be granted including the below, but only when 6 ft. of social distancing space outside your family unit is maintained:
- Children 2 and under
- Eating or drinking
- When taking photos
Do I have to bring my own mask?
Guests are encouraged to bring a mask with them when visiting. However, masks will be provided for guests in need. We recommend reviewing the CDC’s webpage on appropriate daily-use facemask for additional guidance
Will your restaurant be open?
The SWVA Cafe & Mountain Brew Bar will look a little different upon reopening. A local restaurateur/caterer will be using our kitchens and cafe for food service. This vendor will be following the guidelines established by the CDC and Governor of Virginia.
We have implemented new operational procedures to keep our guests and employees safe including social distancing measures and frequent cleaning.
Are you limiting capacity inside the SWVA Cultural Center & Marketplace?
Yes, capacity will be limited inside our facility to 50% to allow for adequate social distancing measures. However, with a 56,000 square foot facility, we’ve got plenty of room for you and your mask-wearing family and friends!
Increased Focus On Cleanliness
What cleaning measures are you putting in place?
We take cleanliness and hygiene seriously and we will be increasing efforts to help prevent the spread of germs. We’re adding hand-sanitation stations throughout the facility, rigorous and frequent cleaning of highly touched surfaces and increased hygiene signage in public and employee areas. We’re following guidelines from the CDC on prevention and encourage our guests to do the same.
Do I need to bring my own hand sanitizer?
You may. In addition, we are providing alcohol-based hand sanitizer throughout the facility. Also, our employees will be cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched objects and surfaces frequently throughout the day.
General FAQs
There are a lot of new changes, why so many?
We are committed to making our time together as safe as we can. For all of our safety, we have adopted a variety of operating procedures in accordance with the CDC and state recommendations to help reduce the spread of germs. These new health and safety measures will help us play safe together.
Our intent is to create a great experience for you and your family while being responsible in helping to reduce the exposure to COVID-19.
Will events and markets still take place?
In accordance with the social distancing guidelines, all events have been cancelled or postponed until further notice. We do have a few events transitioning to other venues or to be held outside at our facility. Check our website for the most up-to-date information on events and programming.
Will I be required to sign a waiver?
You will not be required to sign a waiver upon entering the SWVA Cultural Center & Marketplace.
Can I rent/reserve a board room or meeting space?
Yes. Please contact our front desk at 276-492-2400 or email events@friendsofswva.org.